The 7 Hermetic Principles & The Chakras (2025)

In this article we explore how the 7 Hermetic Principles relate to each chakra and how applying this ancient wisdom to a modern life both personally and professionally.

Ancient wisdom often provides us with profound insights that transcend the boundaries of time and culture. The 7 Hermetic Principles, attributed to the mystical teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (thrice blessed), are no exception. These principles, popularised by the book titled as “The Kybalion,” offer a framework for understanding the fundamental laws that govern our universe and our relationship with everything within it. While these principles may seem esoteric at first glance, they hold practical applications for both personal and professional success in life. Gaining an understanding of the 7 principles, and how they apply to the interacting relationships between everything in life will give you a competitive edge in mastering your own life.

1. The Principle of Mentalism – “All is Mind”

The Principle of Mentalism is related to the Crown Chakra and reminds us that the world is a projection of the mind, a mental creation, originating from the Universal Mind of God. In our personal and professional lives, this principle underlines the power of our thoughts to impact our experiences. Your thoughts shape your reality, so maintaining a consistent positive and constructive mindset can lead to a more successful and fulfilling life. In professional settings, innovative ideas and creative problem-solving often stem from a focused and open mind. The computer I’m using type this article began as an idea in the mind of its inventor. As can be said of all human inventions. Likewise, life itself began in the mind of God before it came into being.

2. The Principle of Correspondence – “As above, so below, as within, so without”

This principle is related to the brow or Third Eye chakra, and highlights the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence. It suggests that what happens on one level has a corresponding effect on other levels of reality. In personal life, it encourages us to consider the broader implications of our choices and actions. In the professional world, understanding the ripple effect of decisions helps leaders make more informed choices and anticipate consequences. This principle states that like attracts like. The law of attraction is contained with this principle. The principle of correspondence is more complete, in that laws can be broken, but principles are immutable.

3. The Principle of Vibration – “Everything is in motion”

The Principle of Vibration is related to the Throat Chakra (sound is produced when the voice chords vibrate against air pressure), and teaches us that everything is in constant motion and vibrates at varying frequencies. The vibration of atoms – the building blocks of physical reality, has been scientifically proven. If we change the frequency of vibration of sound, it can become visible light. In personal life, it reminds us that our emotions, attitudes, and energy levels impact our interactions and overall well-being. This principle is ever present, ever in motion – just as all the principles are. In professional settings, learning to recognise and tweak the vibrational energy of a team can guide leaders in building a positive and productive work environment. Even thoughts produce a vibration in the brain, and subsequently the vibration of a thought can vary in frequency and intensity. The more intense a thought, the greater its impact on your perceived reality. Just as dropping a stone into a still lake will cause a ripple effect that will permeate the waters surface: the vibrations of your thoughts do the same to your body, environment and those around you. Knowing this, it is of the utmost importance of learning to change your vibration to the benefit of all involved.

4. The Principle of Polarity – “Everything has an opposite”

The principle of Polarity is related to the Heart Chakra, and is a fundamental aspect of life. It reminds us that light exists because of darkness, and joy is recognised through the experience of sorrow. The heart moves between two polar opposites continuously – beating and not beating with laser precision. In personal development, understanding this principle can help us navigate life’s challenges with resilience. Knowledge that good and bad are two sides of the same coin, gives us the confidence to shift our experience towards the desired pole through the art of polarisation. Professionally, acknowledging the existence of opposing viewpoints can lead to more balanced decision-making and constructive debate within a team.

5. The Principle of Rhythm – “Everything has its tides”

The Principle of Rhythm is related to the Solar Plexus Chakra, and highlights the cyclical nature of life. We all experience ups and downs, and recognizing these rhythms can help us maintain equilibrium. In personal life, knowing that difficult times will pass can provide comfort during trials. In business, understanding market and industry cycles can lead to strategic planning, adaptability and overall success.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect – “Every cause has an effect and every effect has its cause”

This well-known principle is related to the Sacral Chakra, and is often equated with the law of karma. This principle emphasises the consequences of our actions. In personal life, it encourages accountability and personal growth. In the professional realm, it reminds us that our choices and behaviours can impact team dynamics and organisational culture. This principle encourages introspection of the root causes behind every effect. Most people are too busy dealing with effects to delve beneath the surface of an issue. Effects are unchangeable once they manifest, as an example if you drink 1 litre of vodka, not much can be done about the effect it’s going to have on your mental and physical capacity.

7. The Principle of Gender – “Masculine and Feminine exist in all things”

This principle is related to the Root Chakra, and highlights the presence of both masculine and feminine qualities within everything. The principle of gender is not strictly related to the physical organs that determine a persons sex, but rather relate to the energetic actions. Feminine energy is passive, while masculine energy is active. A man fast asleep is embodying feminine energy (passive) to a degree, the actions his body takes to repair itself embody the masculine element (active). Trees can be either female, male or both. Recognising and balancing these energies is essential in personal relationships and professional collaborations. In the workplace, embracing a balance of assertive (masculine) and nurturing (feminine) qualities can enhance leadership and teamwork.

Incorporating the 7 Hermetic Principles into your personal and professional life doesn’t require esoteric knowledge. Instead, it’s about recognising the universal truths they represent and using them to make wiser choices, foster better relationships, and create a more harmonious and balanced existence. By applying these principles, we can tap into timeless wisdom to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

You can gain in depth knowledge on the 7 hermetic principles and how to use them to achieve greater levels of spiritual awakening in the Introduction to Hermetics Course by Andre Zen.

The 7 Hermetic Principles & The Chakras (2025)


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